7 Common Spring Pests in Brisbane and How to Control Them

7 Common Spring Pests in Brisbane and How to Control Them

7 Common Spring Pests in Brisbane and How to Control Them


Spring is a time, when the whole world seems to come to life. Trees open their leaves up and insects emerge from winter hiding. That however, is also when the trouble starts! Some spring pests are more problematic than others. Professional pest control advice in Brisbane proves crucial and effective!

Here’s what you would like to know about pest identification in spring and some types of springtime pests. Our spring pest removal experts suggest spring pest control methods and effective pest removal techniques which will add to your information and knowledge about types of springtime pests.


Ticks definitely top every list of spring pests. Not only can they carry serious diseases and can cause serious allergies and illness to humans and pets too!

Control ticks by keeping lawns cut and minimizing brush around your property. Treating your pets with tick and effective pest removal techniques helps minimize the risk of infestation.


Some of the most easily recognizable and hated insects on the planet are mosquitoes.. They mature faster in warmer weather, but you can stop them in their tracks in the spring with concentrated effort. Remove stagnant water or puddles from your surroundings!

Slugs and Snails:

Slugs and snails are pests of the mollusks phylum, they can quickly consume a huge amount of tender green growth. Mollusks can be hard to prevent, but excluding them from garden plots with copper barriers is a good start.


Scales can be difficult to detect in the spring, because many have evolved to mimic natural growth on young plants and simply blend in very well in the springtime. However, these armoured sap-sucking pest insects can cause all kinds of trouble with food plants and ornamentals if left to multiply.


Aphids are sap-sucking bugs that harm tree growth, destroy flowering plants and stunt fruit growth. The biggest problem with aphids is they can be a magnet for other pests. These small bugs drink sap and excrete a sweet ‘honeydew’ that attracts insects like ant colonies or flies.


Cockroaches try to invade homes before winter so they have somewhere to bunker down when the outside temperature is low. One thing you need to know about cockroaches is that they love warm and damp environments. Spring is often blessed with light showers in Australia and as things get hotter, roaches get more active.


During warmer months, ants are on the move to find shelter from the sun and rain. Many times, that takes the form of a person’s home. You may notice an increase in worker ants that are looking to bring food back to their colony. If your home is an accessible food source for them, more and more ants will start paying your pantry a visit.

Although there are other local spring pest control companies in Brisbane, Same Day Pest Control provide the best, most effective, durable and economical pest control services for spring pests! So, what are you waiting for? Call Same Day Pest Control and enjoy the spring season, without the fear of pest infestations!